Thanks to Umesh Bhandari for the forwarding this message
Those who are interested in participating in drama/skit as part of Jihveshwara Jayanthi celebrations, please get in touch with Chandrakanth Gaikwad - 9342410424, Rakshit Jujare - 7795246215, Vinayak Sakre - 9449712607. This is the best opportunity to overcome fear, shyness & develop confidence !!!
Also visit
Auspicious day is ahead
Entire Swakula Sali community
Sri Krishna Jaanmashtami, Sri Ramanavami
it is
"Lord Sri Jihveshwar Jayanthi"
(Shraavan Shuddha Thrayodashi i.e. on
Tuesday, 31st July 2012)
Tuesday, 31st July 2012)
The Lord
'Exclusively of Swakula Sali community'
*On the direction of Adi-Maaya 'Lord Shiva' created
'Sri Jihveshwar' through his Jihvaa (Tongue)*
'Sri Jihveshwar' through his Jihvaa (Tongue)*
To create Clothes by Designing , Structuring & Weaving, essentially required for Gods & Humans
there by
Spreading himself a community called 'Swakula Sali'
It is the duty of every Swakula Sali Bandhu
to worship
Our Lord 'Sri Jihveshwar' on his Janmotsava day
and to get the blessings from him
for overall development of entire Swakula community.
Every year, on this auspicious day,
Samyuktha Swakula Sali Sangha, Bangalore
Celebrates this Jayanthi in grandeur.
This year also, all the arrangements are being made to celebrate the Jayanthi en masse, in greater strength and enthusiasm.
Detailed Invitation is attached herewith.
Sangha "Invites Every Bandhu of Swakula Sali Community"
to join this magnificent celebration
with Family & Relatives in large number
Make the celebration a grand success,
by giving a break, to their routine activities for the day.
Remember, it is the occasion to show
Strength, Solidarity & Integrity of our Community,
which is essence of the day
for our Existence & Development.
Do join in full strength
Sri Krishna Kalyan Mantap, Basaveshwar Nagar
31st July 2012 at 9.00 am
Meet-Eat-n-joy with celebration
Added attraction:
* Felicitation to Dignitaries, Meritorious students
* Prize distribution to the winners of annual sports competition
|| Bhagavaan Sri Jihveshwaraaya Namonnamah ||
Note: " Membership Format" is enclosed
' Donations' & Annual subscription are gratefully accepted.
On behalf of the Committee,
Gurunath Kamble
Hon. President, Samyuktha Swakula Sali Sangha, Bangalore
Ph.: 9448702408Those who are interested in participating in drama/skit as part of Jihveshwara Jayanthi celebrations, please get in touch with Chandrakanth Gaikwad - 9342410424, Rakshit Jujare - 7795246215, Vinayak Sakre - 9449712607. This is the best opportunity to overcome fear, shyness & develop confidence !!!
Also visit
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